Senior Week for Wildcat Athletics

Culver – Stockton Seniors reflect on their college careers

Many athletes dream for the chance to play college sports. Every athlete has a goal for the big Division 1 College. Wildcat athletics have given these senior athletes the chance to have a college athletics experience.

This is going to be a look inside four of our fall sport senior athletes and what their experience at Culver-Stockton college was like as an athlete.

For football senior, Denzel Campbell, being part of a football program is a work in progress. Football head coach, Tom Sallay, is trying to build a team worthy of becoming a top contender in the conference. Campbell agrees that because of the team’s recent struggle in past years with losing records and big-time recruits transferring out that the experience has been nothing short of interesting. Being a part of programs like Culver’s it allows you to see how strong you are as a player dealing with constant change and disappointment. The weak can run away to other programs but the strong stay to make the change.

For Senior Volleyball player Paige Webster there was a reason for Culver-Stockton athletics, there was an attraction about it for her. “Two teams, One family,” Webster said, further explaining that the men’s and women’s team hold a tight bond between one another. Something that isn’t seen at other big schools is a community across athletics. Webster also spoke out on how all the athletic teams support one another. Each one wants the other to succeed and show there support for that success to be possible.

Rodrigo Alcobia, a senior men’s soccer player from Portugal, was only a two-year student athlete at Culver-Stockton College. The shortened time at Culver did not change Alcobias experience on the hill. Alcobia got to appreciate being on a team with so many teammates from different areas of the globe. “The fact that you have to adapt and combine styles of play and try to find a unique style of play is challenging but nothing good comes without a challenge,” Alcobia said about the team. Being a senior Alcobia faced regrets. Sometimes you can’t always do exactly what you wanted for the team and wished you could do more for them. This is a regret he felt. With regret though comes remorse and he is very happy with the time he has had at Culver and the experience he got from it. Alcobia will move on cherishing his time being a wildcat. “The connections, the bonds, the memories that I share with all of these friends that I consider family will be there forever and nobody can erase it.”

Women’s soccer four year senior of the program Maggie Houska had some words to say on finally being done with her college career. “It is bitter sweet” she said continuing on speaking about how pre-season she won’t be getting up early or moving in early. Regardless of all this any athlete will miss the things you do with your team to grow as one. Houska is happy to have put her time into this program and knows that it is a talented one at that. She see’s big things to come for the future of this program with lots of talent coming through it. One thing she said with confidence is there was no regrets in her career everything she did she was happy with, the only thing like most college athletes is they wish it could have lasted longer.

All of these seniors along with many others have now seen there college careers come to an end. With so many memories they can cherish forever, they are each off to bigger and better things.