Commuter Corner: Weather
winter scene on The Hill
At Culver-Stockton College the majority of students live on campus. They aren’t the only students who currently attend C-SC, however.
Commuter students are fewer, but their lives can be very different from those who are living on campus. Some would even say that commuters are the “forgotten few,” because the emphasis at Culver-Stockton is mainly based on campus living. So, this Commuter Corner aims to bring attention to the difficulties that commuter students face.
Difficulty number one: weather.
Weather in Missouri can be quite unpredictable, but in winter snow and ice are very much a guarantee. Though the Missouri Department of Transportation plows and salts the roads, this does not always make the roads completely safe for commuters. One thing I have personally experienced (as have other commuters) is that road conditions may not be safe for driving even after precautions are taken.
In the classroom, when participation points get taken off for missing class due to safety, commuters are at a disadvantage. While it may be only a few points here and there, those points could be used for other times that are not considered excused. I’m not proposing that professors should completely change attendance policy, but simply be more forgiving in situations such as this.