Meet Your SGA Hopefuls

Despite Culver-Stockton classes being moved online, campus life is still thriving and ongoing. With various trivia nights and candy madness, students are still being kept in the loop. The upcoming SGA elections are no exception. With no longer being on campus, many students may not know who they will be voting for since on-campus campaigning can’t really happen. Luckily, the Wildcat Wire is here to keep Culver-Stockton students informed and allow students to meet their SGA hopefuls.

President & Vice President candidates

Cheyenne Grissom, Presidential Candidate

President Candidate – Cheyenne Grissom – Senior, Psychology and Criminal Justice Major

What are your motivations to run for Student Government? 

I am motivated by the Predecessors and feel that it is my turn to take the torch and keep running with it. I feel the torch signifies all of the accomplishments and positive movements the Predecessors have had with SGA and the overall effect of SGA on campus.   

What do you hope to accomplish in your office/position? 

I hope to accomplish stepping out of my own comfort zone and being a positive essence in everything I do on campus. I also hope to follow in the footsteps of the Predecessors of SGA, and continue to carry-on all of the positive things they have created for and on campus. I also would like to feel and be able to understand how it is to be in a leadership position like this for my future career to have the knowledge to become a Chief of Police.

Running Mate:

Taryn Hutcherson, running mate to Cheyenne Grissom

Vice President Candidate – Taryn Hutcherson – Junior; Elementary and Early Childhood Education 

What are your motivations to run for Student Government?

Having been a part of SGA since I stepped foot on Culver’s campus, I have gained insight into how important this organization is to students on our campus. SGA has come a long way in 2 short years, I can only imagine where we will be when I am a senior. 

What do you hope to accomplish in your office/position?

SGA should be an organization that all students understand and feel they can share their concerns with. I know that we have come a long way in terms of visibility on campus but I hope that this next board can take it a step farther. SGA is slowly coming into its place on campus, as the voice of all students and I want to continue the momentum we have gained.  I am an education major and all about being a forever learner and educator. It will be part of my duty on the SGA board to educate all students and Senators about what Student Government is, what it means to each of us, and how we can translate that to our campus. I hope to grow in this position as a leader as well as being able to foster leadership in others on the board.


President Candidate – Thomas Floyd – Junior, Legal Studies

Thomas Floyd, Presidential Candidate

What are your motivations to run for Student Government?

My biggest motivation to run for SGA President is because I want to be the voice for the students. I want to help continue changing Culver-Stockton College in order to help make it a better place for the students. I know that the students are what makes this college special and that we need to keep students as the top priority here at Culver-Stockton College. I want to ensure that every student here at Culver-Stockton College feels a part of this amazing school and has the resources to be the most successful version of themselves when they leave this place. 

What do you hope to accomplish in your office/position?

The biggest goals I want to achieve while I am in office is finding ways to upgrade and improve all the buildings on campus, creating more convenient parking for the students, and finding more quality food options for everyone on campus. I feel strongly that we should try and upgrade what we have now instead of adding more to an already amazing campus that we are at. 

Running Mate:

Peyton Holder, running mate to Thomas Floyd

Vice President Candidate – Peyton Holder – Junior; Legal Studies

What are your motivations to run for Student Government?

My motivation to run for Student Government is to help continue to make a difference. I also feel as though I can help be a voice for students who don’t want to express their own opinions. Without the students Culver-Stockton would not be a college and I feel as if the students should always be top priority. 

What do you hope to accomplish in your office/position?

One of the biggest goals I would like to achieve is to help come up with better ideas in ways we can extend parking for students, as well as improving many dorms and buildings on campus. The Hill is such a beautiful place that improving our buildings is a must instead of continuing to add new buildings.


Treasurer candidates

Treasurer Candidate – Drew Klocke – Junior – Biological Chemistry

Drew Klocke, Treasurer Candidate

What are your motivations to run for Student Government?

Culver-Stockton is a college of opportunity, and I want to share that opportunity with everyone at Culver-Stockton College.  It is important to me that you, my fellow students, capture the opportunities here at C-SC and understand their significance. The experiences being made here at Culver-Stockton are shaping your future, and I want to ensure that you are getting those experiences.  I know that I will work with a phenomenal SGA team and an outstanding student body to build upon Culver-Stockton’s strong student-centered experiential learning approach.  

I have built many skills vital for working with students, faculty, and staff on campus through my job as a Resident Assistant, an SGA Senator, and by serving on several different college committees.  I know that this knowledge will aid in my role as SGA Treasurer for the 2020-21 academic year.  

What do you hope to accomplish in your office/position?

As Treasurer it would be my goal to make sure that SGA stays financially sound, while also using its money to do good for the campus community.  I will pay close attention to the money in our account, so that we can make smart and calculated decisions about where money is going. Culver-Stockton College has distinguished itself from other colleges by promoting its student-centered experiential learning.  These experiences are what students come to Culver-Stockton looking for. I want to make sure that student organizations and groups know that there is opportunity within SGA for them to have financial help with events because these events are an important part of Culver-Stockton.  


Treasurer Candidate – Joe Hunter – Junior – Biological Chemistry and Chemistry

Joe Hunter, Treasurer Candidate

What are your motivations to run for Student Government?

My motivations for running for Student Government are simple. I want to see Culver-Stockton College become the best college possible as would most of the students and faculty. I have spent my first two years at Culver-Stockton observing the college, talking with various students, and noticing the atmosphere of the college noting the smallest details that are brushed off by most. By running and potentially being a part of SGA, I can use this obtained knowledge to benefit the campus.

What do you hope to accomplish in your office/position?

I have three goals that I would like to achieve if I am elected for the position as treasurer or senator at large. I intend to help out other clubs on campus who may be struggling to raise funds, as well as continue to support the formation of new clubs on campus. Secondly, I wish to establish a clear and organized ledger for SGA that is easy to understand by all, which will bring transparency to where SGA funds are being allocated. After examining the bylaws of SGA, I wish to strengthen them and propose new wording in order to create more clarity for procedures and processes. 


Secretary candidates

Secretary Candidate – Alexander Siron – Junior – Vocal Music Education

Alexander Siron, Secretary Candidate

What are your motivations to run for Student Government?

Being a member of the Student Government Association in the past was an amazing opportunity to be a part of something bigger than myself. This organization really puts into perspective of how powerful a voice the students have here at Culver-Stockton College. With the amazing changes happening within SGA, I want to help and be an advocate for improving campus life for the students. There are so many ways for students to make a change on campus, and I want to do my part and work with an amazing organization to help those visions come to fruition.

What do you hope to accomplish in your office/position?

The biggest aspiration I have for Culver-Stockton, is to keep the campus as happy as possible. Canton, MO doesn’t hold much for our big city students, so I want to help make the changes to our campus that allow everyone to feel at home. When the campus is happy, the campus is healthy.  


Parliamentarian candidate

Parliamentarian candidate – Rebecca Holley – Senior – Legal Studies

Rebecca Holley, Parliamentarian Candidate

What are your motivations to run for Student Government?

As the parliamentarian of SGA, I will first be a representative of my peers on campus but also ensure that the meetings that will be held run smoothly and in accordance with Robert’s Rules. I will do my best to create legislation that accurately represents the wants and needs of the campus community.

What do you hope to accomplish in your office/position?

I hope to introduce more thorough legislation that could not only benefit the students on campus but the campus as a whole. 


Culver-Stockton students can vote for their picks April 14th-16th on myculver.