Professor Profile – Dr. Patrick Allen

A quick chat with a new professor on campus.

Photo Provided by Dr. Patrick Allen.

Dr. Patrick Allen is new to the Hill this year as an assistant professor of English. Before coming to Culver-Stockton College, Allen was teaching English and African American studies courses at Penn State University while he was completing his Ph.D. Before that, he taught high school English and Spanish in Westfield, MA. He specializes in African American literature and works in fields of critical race theory, the critical medical humanities and print cultures.

“I think these areas are really important, especially at this moment of a pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement,” said Allen, “because they join in interesting ways to let me explore the historical and lasting effects of racism in our nation and our world.”

Allen mentioned that he was drawn to Culver-Stockton’s call for a teacher scholar in multicultural literature and English education. “The college has a rich tradition of excellent teaching and I was excited to get the chance to instruct in fields that I believe are equally exciting and important.”

He hopes that student’s takeaways from his classes will be to have a better understanding of the many voices that shape American Literature and make it an exciting field of study.

Allen’s answer for what his favorite thing about Culver-Stockton did not disappoint.

“My favorite thing about Culver-Stockton College is that folks who met me during my interview–and many I didn’t–have welcomed me back so kindly. Students, staff, and faculty have made me feel welcome, which is a great feeling after moving 700+ miles to become a Wildcat. I’m thrilled, too, that there is an LGBTQ+ group on campus and that President Palmer and others have expressed their support for movements for racial justice. I think it’s a great community.”