Dance Team Debuts First Performance
New Coach, New Team Members
photo provided by Megan Johnson
2020-2021 dance team
The Culver-Stockton College Dance team had its first performance on Saturday, Sept. 19 during the halftime of the first home football game. Amanda Gabel is the new head coach this year. She says there are a couple new members to the team, creating a bigger squad and making it more efficient for more complex dances.
There are eleven dancers on the team, five of whom are new. The only senior on the team, double major in Communications and Spanish Megan Johnson says, “We only had three days to practice, and the coach’s contract didn’t start until the 17 of September,” said Johnson. “She couldn’t come to Culver to teach us but we pulled our first performance together.”
Johnson also stated, “We love our new coach, and she is amazing.” Johnson believes that this will be a great season for them, and that if they keep up the practice and the hip hop routines, then they will continue to “kill it.”