Culver-Stockton Bids Farewell to Chaplain Amanda Sorenson
All Faiths Chapel
Friday, March 5 marked Chaplain Amanda Sorenson’s last day at Culver-Stockton College. Sorenson has been at the college since October of 2012 and was in her ninth academic year at Culver-Stockton. Sorenson will be taking a hospital chaplain position at Great River Health System in Burlington, Iowa.
Chaplain Sorenson was in charge of coordinating the fall retreats, spring break mission trips, home-cooked meal days, numerous worship assemblies, and also served as the coordinator for Extreme Dome Makeover (EDM) fall event.
One of Sorenson’s favorite experiences in her time at Culver-Stockton were the spring break service trips and fall retreats. “Those always provide such unique experiences for learning and growth and fun! You really bond with people when you travel and work together” said Sorenson.
“I am also taking great memories with me of working with student groups and having intense discussions about religion, life, and faith. It’s the best when a student comes back a little while later and says, ‘You know – I’ve been thinking about what was said in this conversation…’ and they’ve had some revelation.” Sorenson herself has been personally affected by her work. “I’ve also learned and been changed in those conversations” she says.
Students will be one thing that Sorenson will be missing most in the Culver-Stockton community. “I have loved working with students in small groups and one on one.”
One student that was close to Chaplain Sorenson in their time here as a student said, “Having Amanda as Chaplain has truly been a blessing. Somebody that truly understands from a student perspective, and truly wants to help every one of us succeed. Along with helping me through numerous tough obstacles with life that I wouldn’t feel comfortable going to anybody else about.”
The biggest piece of advice Chaplain Sorenson left for students is, “you are worthy and beloved just as you are, in all your humanness, so embrace the truest version of yourself. Also, show yourself love and grace. You don’t have to have it all figured out. Most of us don’t. We just do the best we can each day and learn and grow from our experiences.”
Sorenson also credits the student life staff for “being her rock for the last eight years. I couldn’t ask for better colleagues.”