Wildcats Observe National Student-Athlete Day

photo courtesy CPC

National Student-Athlete Day

Culver-Stockton College recently observed National Student-Athlete Day on Tuesday, April 6.

According to the president of the Campus Programming Council Carter Knake, National Student Athlete Day is a way to celebrate those students who balance both school and sports. Knake says “With such a large portion of our student body being student athletes, we felt it was only right to celebrate them and their accomplishments. ”

The CPC served Smoothie King smoothies and had students sign a Wildcat Pride banner. Knake says the plan is to have the banner at each athletic event to show the support.  Knake added “just because a student wasn’t a student athlete, they still were able to sign the banner and get a smoothie in support of their fellow students.”

According to the Institute for Sports and Social Justice, National Student-Athlete Day was started in 1987 and honors the outstanding achievements of high school and college student-athletes who have achieved excellence in academics and athletics, while having made significant contributions to their schools and communities.